Past, Present & Future

Celebrating 75 Years of Faithful Service:

Strengthening Faith, Transforming Ministries

The Past: A Legacy of Vision and Commitment

In 1949, the Rt. Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill founded the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) amidst a period of growth and transformation within the Church and the nation. His vision was clear: to advance the mission of the Church through accessible resource creation and management, and to foster effective lay-clergy partnerships. For 75 years, ECF has lived into this vision, evolving constantly to meet the changing needs of The Episcopal Church and society at large.

ECF has always led by example, acting as an incubator for new ideas. Some of these ideas have evolved into successful programs. Others have provided important learning and testing opportunities leading to entirely new opportunities. From establishing the Revolving Church Building Loan Fund to supporting formative programs like Godly Play and the Fellowship Partners Program, our impact has been both foundational and innovative. ECF’s commitment to not only sustain but also enliven and inspire the spiritual and communal life of the Church has been a constant thread throughout our history.

The Present: A Testament to Innovation and Service

This year, as we celebrate our 75th anniversary, ECF stands as a testament to what can be achieved when faith meets action. ECF continues to be a wellspring of support for Episcopal faith communities, providing resources for financial management, leadership development, and community transformation. ECF’s mission today is to be a catalyst, agent, and advocate for transformation and growth in The Episcopal Church in innovative and spiritually-grounded ways.

The Future: Looking Ahead with Hopeful Conviction

As we look to the future, we embrace the theme of "Strengthening Faith, Transforming Ministries" with renewed vigor and commitment. Our goals for this milestone year reflect our dedication to growth and transformation in The Episcopal Church and beyond:

  • Expanding Impact: Continuing to live into our vision of creating, supporting, and nourishing vital, inclusive and sustainable faith communities that create steadfast followers of Jesus.
  • Strategic Advancement: Raising funds to support new strategic directions and under-resourced groups, ensuring that our programs and initiatives continue to meet the evolving needs of our faith communities.
  • Gratitude in Action: Thanking our donors, clients, constituents, and friends, whose loyalty and support have been the backbone of our success over these many years.
  • Honoring Legacies: Celebrating the enduring legacies of our founders and key contributors, including our President Donald Romanik, whose vision continues to guide us through this milestone year.

Join Us on This Journey

As we honor our past and embrace the future, we invite you to join us in celebrating this significant milestone. Please consider:

  • Joining us for one of our anniversary events
  • Exploring our website to learn more about our history, our current initiatives, and how you can be a part of our exciting journey forward.
  • Signing up to receive our monthly newsletters, resources and more.
  • Giving to help ECF provide programs, resources, innovation, and expertise to strengthen faith communities and equip leaders.

ECF remains committed to strengthening faith and transforming ministries within our communities, now and in the future.